Monday, April 30, 2018

Why I believe in giving your money to mom and pop stores and holistic healers #fibro #fibromyalgia

Well yes I am a holistic healer but before that I believed in mom and pop stores .
Why , well one natural healers and craft makers arnt working to buy a new fancy house.They are working to provide for their family's, to keep food on the table and warm clothes on their backs. A lot of craft makers and healers actually cant work ,they like the people they are selling to are sick and disabled. For some of us it is a calling and arnt in it just for the money .We are in it because we want to heal others and want to see our families and loved ones have a better life . We are not a greedy corporation. We do not make you pimp out yourself and friends for points . Not only are our products usually cheaper but we give you free things with out making you work for it and good deals.We are here to help you get better not suck you dry . I know some might say its not your job to support us, then why is it your job to support greedy cooperation's who are benefiting off the sick and taking money from those who truly need it . They even sell bs cures on amazon and people fall for it because of the pretty packaging and pretty words and fancy label. THink what a better world it would be if we helped those in need by buying what we need .

I believe Doterra is one of the worse . I had a friend give me a 40 dollar bottle of deep blue less than 15 ml  for 40 bucks, yes it worked but I went through a bottle in less than a week . Now some of you might be able to afford that and get your points but us who struggle to put food on the table places like that are a big FU . A holistic healer or natural healer will put you before your money

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