Monday, April 30, 2018

What cbd oil can do for you #cbd #oil #cbdoil #fibro #fibromyalgia

I have been taking cbd oil for about 6 months now . It has saved me. Maybe not in ways that make other people happy but it has kept me from bi monthly visits to the hospital . I my flares no longer put me to sleep for weeks at a time , I can bare my pain with the mix of cbd oil and natural remedies . Its not perfect or a cure but it is THE best thing for fibro until we find a cure .

tell him pixi sent you

Where are my geek moms with fibro Do You like ? #fibromyalgia #nerd #geek #tv #supernatural #efc

What are your fandoms

star trek
star wars
stan against evil
father brown
the 100
EFC baby
Dr WHo
Warehouse 13

Why I believe in giving your money to mom and pop stores and holistic healers #fibro #fibromyalgia

Well yes I am a holistic healer but before that I believed in mom and pop stores .
Why , well one natural healers and craft makers arnt working to buy a new fancy house.They are working to provide for their family's, to keep food on the table and warm clothes on their backs. A lot of craft makers and healers actually cant work ,they like the people they are selling to are sick and disabled. For some of us it is a calling and arnt in it just for the money .We are in it because we want to heal others and want to see our families and loved ones have a better life . We are not a greedy corporation. We do not make you pimp out yourself and friends for points . Not only are our products usually cheaper but we give you free things with out making you work for it and good deals.We are here to help you get better not suck you dry . I know some might say its not your job to support us, then why is it your job to support greedy cooperation's who are benefiting off the sick and taking money from those who truly need it . They even sell bs cures on amazon and people fall for it because of the pretty packaging and pretty words and fancy label. THink what a better world it would be if we helped those in need by buying what we need .

I believe Doterra is one of the worse . I had a friend give me a 40 dollar bottle of deep blue less than 15 ml  for 40 bucks, yes it worked but I went through a bottle in less than a week . Now some of you might be able to afford that and get your points but us who struggle to put food on the table places like that are a big FU . A holistic healer or natural healer will put you before your money

Thursday, April 26, 2018

A pineapple lassi #psych

  • 2 cups vanilla low-fat yogurt
  • 1 cup canned crushed pineapple in juice, undrained
  • 1/4 cup light coconut milk
  • 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon bottled ground fresh ginger 
  • 6 ice cubes 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

How Holistic Healers treat Fibro

A face book reader asked , how does a Holistic Healer treat fibro .
Please keep in mind that I am not a Doctor and ask that you seek a Doctors advice before start any diet, exercise or treatment .

I am a firm believer in modern science and the herbs, plans and oils that have been around for thousands of years . And even though our symptoms very and fibro affects us all differently I know that the meds that we are given can cause more damage than good. I also know that some thing work for some people and don't work for others , which is why I have become a holistic healer because there are some may oils and teas that will treat the symptoms of fibro because that is what the gods or god or your Deity put them there for . Herbs to help with pain and sleep and other ailments .

SO I use a mix of , lavender , chamomile, eccinacia  , dandelion, catnip , willow bark and feverfew for my tea.It helps ease pain, anxiety and stress. I call it my fibro tea

#cbd #oil Why I use

Why I use Cbd Oil

what I do to help with the pain feel free to share #sea #shell #wine #mother #mothersday

Yes I make these and yes I am very willing to sell plz email piximom75 @ gmail Id also like to do a fibro set but havnt been able to find what I want , I also am willing to this with your fav colors, weddings , charities go pink for cancer and your fav tam colors ect

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Naked Review

One thing that bugs the heck out of me is all the crazy,stupid diets people do, which may work for a min .I will explain why that is wrong in a later post. What I know and have tested is balance works best . I recently started trying these drinks .If you have had fibro long enough you will notice things that you eat will cause pain like red meat and stomach problems .If you balance you can eat these things and one way to do that is these drinks  When you drink them you can feel that its good for your body.Even maybe a little energy and makes your tummy feel better .Also if you are like me sometimes your stomach is too upset to eat but we need to eat .Someone mentioned to watch out for the sugar .Not only does it have less sugar than most drinks , the good it does out weighs the bad . My favorite is the protein drink but the green machine is probably the best for your body depending on whats going on with it and the berry one too. It doesnt taste healthy .

I do things

I do things at a level of pain that most people would never dream of doing .We all do . Our pain will never go away.There is no cure .There will never be as long as people doubt us so start telling the truth. I dont feel good. No longer us those words .Be honest. I feel like I just went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson , or I want to crawl up in bed and die since no one believes the pain Im in .See be honest and dot care if they believe you. You only need people in your life who are willing to understand.

Spa Treatment ps do not claim but use half lavender drops

People get tired ps I do not take credit for this it was shared on my fb


Hi my name is mom :) .I have fibromyalgia. I m  nerd and ageek and a mother of 3 . I am in stage 6.  There. are 8 .My goal is to share fibro related posts and help and support. But if you have fibro you know that despite to he fact we get brain fog we need ways to entertain our brains . So I will share my hobbies and hope you will share yours .