Tuesday, October 9, 2018

#drwho #13 #women #scifi #sexistpigs

When giving a woman a staring role is too diverse for people who worship tv shows that come from a place where there is a woman not only in charge but has been for 100s of years .. sad and you are not a true fan #drwho

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

#Fibromyaglia #diabetic? #pain Ready to stop hurting #hempworx #cbd #cbdoil #pain

Check out my site to find out how to save on your next bottle of cbd oil Hempworx

#fibromyalgia #cbd #naturalremedies #naturalpainkillers

Hempworx has the purest cbd oil that is full spectrum :) email me for more info piximom75@gmail.com or check out my site, hempworx .com  / piimom75

Monday, June 18, 2018

#stoptrump #trump #resist #resisttrump I think its time for a war stop republicans #children #save #impeachtrump

If you are ok with what is happening to these children you have no soul shame on all of you, you are sick .  Your god killed the first born , even God said fuck I was wrong . And may I mention separation of church and state but there is no mention of your bullshit immigrant shit in the bible but this is .Btw not Christian, Where is the outrage ? What if it was your child. What if the Natives had done this to us. WE were not here first .

#fibro #sidekicks #memes

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

My #cbd bath salt recipe #hempworx #bath #pain #natural #sleep #painkiller

                    My Hempworx Cbd Bath Salt

Needed. 1 empty lotion bottle
                 1 bag epson salts 
                  1 bottle of cbd oil
                   1 bottle of fibro oil( or use your own ) 
Directions . Fill bottle half way with epson salts.
                     Add 2 to 4 drops of cbd oil 
                   Add 2 to 4 drops of Fibro oil, shake and add to bath. If using other essential oils like lavender us gloves and add only 3 drops. Caution may make you sleepy. 

You can use your own cbd oil of try Hempworx the worlds purest cbd oil hempworx

Monday, June 11, 2018

#hempworx home based business only serious people plz


So you have questions about #hemworx #cbd #cbdoil

Questions You May Have About Hempworx Cbd Oil 

1. Is Hempworx Cbd Marijuana ?
No, although cannabid oil comes from  the same plant and Hempwox is full spectrum(meaning we use the whole plant) it is not marijuana you will not get high , you will get healthy .

2. Does Hempworx contain Thc ?
Hempworx Cbd Oil contains less than 0.3 % Thc by dry weight and is considered food grade.

3. Is it legal? 
Yes. Some states have laws governing Stores stocking, shelving and selling Cbd oil. The online purchase and use of Cbd oil for personal consumption is 100 % legal in all 50 states and over 150 countries .

4. How big is the bottle ?
Each bottle is 1 oz and contains about 1,000 drops .Each bottle will last 1 to 3 months depending on how you are using it . 

5. What strength should I buy ?
Most people (children included) do fine with 500 mg. for those with chronic pain or multiple health issues, I would suggest 750 mg. It is 1 and a half times stronger .

6. Are there samples ?
The company does not offer samples, they do offer a full money back guarantee (which you wont need) :) 

7. How much do I use ?
Best delivery method is under the tongue. That way it goes into your bloodstream quicker. You want to start slowly with 3 to 5 drops twice daily for a week. Then you can move up to 6 to 8 daily twice a week . everyone is different and there is no set serving size but I will work with you to help you find what works best for you.

8. Can I apply topically ?
Yes.Many people do both for conditions like, psoriasis,eczema,and cystic acne .

9. How long dies it take to receive ?
With our new office open in Las Vegas , orders are arriving in 5 to 6 days .

10. I found Cbd oil cheaper somewhere else, whats the difference ?
Hempworx has the purest Cbd oil with only 1 ingredient ,Cbd Oil.Check the label and you will most likely see other ingredients which actually weaken the Cbd oil so you will have to take more.

11. Where can I order ?
Hempworx.com/piximom75 or email me with any questions piximom75@gmail.com 

12. Will it show up positive on a blood test ?
We have a Thc free formula that will not show up on a blood test . Order this if you are blood tested .

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Wanted people not looking for a free ride join #hempworx #cbd #natural #painkillers

Come join a billion dollar industry. I need serious people who not only want make a better life for themselves but want to help people too, Come join us at Hempworx cbd  , let us help you help others and yourself.Not ready to sell then find out how hempworx cbd can help you with pain, anxiety, stress, depression , sleep and so much more Hempworx

@natural #pain #killers #kitchen

I still believe cbd oil is the best thing for pain but if your not ready here are some in your kitchen
hempworx cbd

Friday, June 8, 2018

check out my #cbd #hempworx #facebook page and win a #free bottle of #cbdoil #hempworx

facebook  I will give away a free bottle once I hit 20 sales I already have 2

My first bottle of 500 mg #cbd by #hempworx #fibro #fibrmyalgia my #review

I just got my very own 500 mg of cbd and I can already feel the difference, pain down, fibro fog clearing faster than usual , and Im waking up faster.If you have firbo you know what Im talking about :) My anxiety is also doing a little better and its been pretty bad this week .

I knew this stuff would be good because Ive been using the 250 cbd but people wanted me to try it before they bought it and I get that. hempworx

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Believe #magic #wicca

My husband may be losing his toe hes diabetic plz check out my webpage for cbd health

My husbands been fighting off an infection for a week, he lets me use the cbd oil , he works 7 days a week because I cant until now , this is his second time in the hospital , last time after he got out due to stress i took a visit for a week plz check out link

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Im on pintrest too hempworx mom #hempworx #free #cbdoil

Now that I have my own website I will now have a drawing , It will only be for my first 20 customers ,each customer will be put into a drawing to win  a free bottle of cbd oil 500 mg , sorry no subs
pin it

I am so excited to share my new job with you #cbdoil#cbd #hempworx #fibromyalgia #naturalremedies

Come check out my very new website and find out how cbd oil can help you my website

It cost nothing to browse :) or join my team and start earning to get healthy how is that not awesome

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Fibro survival kit #fibrmyalgia

                             The Fibro Survival Kit.
                               Intoduction ..

Hi, you can call me Pixi. Ive had the symtoms of Fibromyalgia since I was 5 and have been diagnosed for 2 years. Sadly Fibro is progressive. Now if you are younger you may be able to go into remission, but as of today Fibro has no cure. There are aslo things that can cause you to go into a long time flare. That is where I am right now. I plan to share with you not only my reseach, my experience but the experiences of other woman who have suffered this disesase all their lives and have been there done that with all the tricks and the maybe cures. Now nothing I sahre is medical advice, please seek a doctor first, but my own personal experiences and how I have helped other women with this disease . Now as I belive that a balanced diet can not cure your fibro or even on bad days make all the pain go away ,I do believe that a balanced diet and body can ease your flares and pain because a balanced body is a happy body :). Also because there are so many triggers to fibro, weather, stress, lack of sleep and so many others there is no way to get rid of them all , yet. Now you may not agrre with what I right and thats fine and you may say we all different and thats fine, then dont buy the book.Dont wate my time and yours. But before you huff and puff remember 2 facts, Fibro has been around since before the 1500s , before gmos and fast food and crazy diets and it was a disese of healthy people and not healthy people of all races, religions and class. And #2 You know nothing of Fibro unless youve lived with it more than 20 years.

follow me on word press #wordpress #fibro #diy #natural #lavender #oil

Word press

Saturday, June 2, 2018

#uses For #lavender #oil

I will give a free gift #free #cbd #hempworx

Once I reach 200 likes those who buy from me will be entered to win a free bottle of  cbd oil fb

Fibro tip # 1 Never push #fibromyalgia

1 think Ive said this before but never push yourself. Remember we use 5 times more energy than normal people. And twice as long to get some energy, As it is its like were way past being half empty. And never let anyone tell you that you need to push yourself because that will only make you worse. Find small victories and realize how big they are. Not many people could do half of what we do if they had to do 5 times the work each day, lose sleep and be in pain 24/7. Just remember
that next time so meone gets mad at you for not doing more

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Join my fb healing page #cbd #cbdoil #facebook #fibromyalgia


Fibro Warriors make money and help others #hempwo crx #workathome #money #cbdoil

If you havnt noticed #hempworx is making a huge splash, they are the worlds purest organic cbd oil.
I need at least 5 new team members , or buyers . Make 20 dollars each sale or more,soon we will be selling to other countries where they desperately need an alt to pain meds . Email me at piximom75@gmail.com this is really great if you cant work or are disabled

Sunday, May 20, 2018

#fibro #bank #memes #fibromyalgia

Fibro Warriors read to try cbd oil for your fibro #cbdoil #fibromyalgia

If you haven't tried cbd oil for you fibro this is the best time, Hempworx now has 0 thc ,  now I personally prefer my thc but everyone is different . Cbd oil has helped my immunity, anxiety, depression, sleep and so much more.  Follow this link and tell him pixi sent you Hempworx

We even have cbd oil for your pets email at pixi mom @gmail.com

Saturday, May 19, 2018

My Fibro Book #fibro #fibromyalgia .follow for updates

If you have fibro you know that its so hard to do day to day things let alone write a book.  You are always mentally and physically exhausted all the time. And lets not forget brain fob .But I'm going to try. If I get enough followers and can write enough material I  might urn this into a book.

What is Fibromyalgia?  That is the question and the problem. No one knows . It has the traits of an Auto immune, nerve and genetic disease . I know you are thinking that your mother didn't have it. But I run into 3 types of people , those who's parents had it  and they have it too , those who have it and their parents didn't and those who's parent have it but they are plagued with chronic headaches, fatigue or pain .

The thing with Fibro that I have experienced and have seen from other women is that I know your going to hate this but there aren't many causes of Fibro, there are many triggers of Fibro, extreme stress, abuse, extreme stress on your body or nerves, being burned, trauma . And possibly long term drug use, like chronic sinus infections and having to go the hospital on a regular basis . You say how do you know , everyone is different. So think back to when you were little, go back as far as you can. Food allergies, sinus infections, ear infections all the time, problems swallowing pills, bad stomach pains that got worse if you got too hot, not able to sleep normally, always sick around the holidays, being itchy for no reason bad headaches, felling older and more tired than you should be, medicine not working like it should. How do I know my 10 yr old has the same problems as I did around the same age . So as I said it is possible that Fibro may be all 3 .But we will never know until more research is done and we need to make it known that out disease is real.

Fibro may affect you in ways you dont know or pass off as getting older which is why so many men probably dont know they have it, and women. Auto immune and nerve diseases can also be genetic. No Im not a scientist or a Doctor but I know how to look at 20 or more people and see what they have in common .Things it seems Doctors for some reason cat seem to figure out or plain ol refuse to since its a womans disease.

Because there are so many who dot believe us, or treat it like heart disease, as if its something we got from being lazy , unhealthy slugs, or they treat us like drug addicts. Then their are the snake oil salesman that try to make us believe they have a cure for 19.95 in 12 east payments. There are also the women who are new to this that will believe anything as long as it means they don't have to be sick anymore .Despite the fact that this disease has been tracked back to the 1500s.  This is before gmos and before fast food and all the bs reasons we want to blame . We need this disease to be taken seriously and make it known that this isnt a new disease and does not just affect women.We need men to speak up about their pain too.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Give mom what she really wants #mothersday #mom #mothersdaygifts #cbd #antiaging #fibro #cbdoil

Try hempwox renew  or cbd oil drops with or with out thc email pixi mom 75 @gmail

cleaning tips for fibrowarriors #fibro #fibromyalgia

And now the cancel deception #deception #save deception

Wtf people come on theses are good shows not cool , dear tv people stop putting on crap

Save Lucifer #savelucifer #lucifer #tomelis sighn to save #timeless #deception #gotham

#savelucifer    sign the petition https://www.change.org/p/lucifans-tv-save-lucifer-fox-cancelled-it-lets-get-the-cw-hulu-or-netflix-to-save-it

Renew these shows, deception, timeless gotham tweet and dont stop

I am sick I have fibro, these show help me through my worse days Tell fox we will not let raciest chose our shows #fuxfox

A letter to izombie writers and actors #izombie follow for more #malcomgoodwin #fibromyalgia

Hi. I'm a nerd, a geek and a mom. I have fibromyalgia. Me and my family have been watching since the start. Before I got sick it was one of the few nights we all settled down from work and school and our craziness. Sometimes we eve had popcorn .

Since Ive been sick, It has been one of the shows I binge re watch. Its one of my happy places. We all need more laughter in our life and with Izombie we get that and so much more.

Now if you are a fan you know that there are many reasons for many people to love this show, the story , the actors , the comedy and lets not forget the off and on Romances : )  So there are plenty of reasons to be thankful. But the best one for me is that they are one of the very few shows to show that Fibromyalgia is a real disease , a disease that affects us all, a real disease that we have no cure for .

I had yet to be diagnosed when the episode but I had some symptoms and have also watched it several times since my diagnosis and since Ive become sicker and it still makes me laugh a lot . Rose and everyone are just bloody brilliant . Some things were yes a bit exaggerated but that was the idea I think. Fibro makes things that already make you cranky and intensifies it. We are always tired, always in pain and offten always have a low tolerance for stupidity.  So like the old man  if your an a hole your a bigger a hole. So there were many things that were right on. So thank you for noticing us and helping others to notice us. It means so much to me . We all need to laugh at ourselves too.

Izombie has gotten me through so many bad fibro flares with its brilliant writing , stories and actors , who are so kind to us little people. I truly love them all. I really hope you leave us with a happy ending but no to soon.

So fans if you read this tweet and shout to the rooftops Renewizombie . I really hope one day they will come to denver comic con so I can tell them in person

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

How to use cbd oil if you have fibro #fibromyalgia #cbd #cbdoil

I keep hearing a lot say it doesn't work for me and with that it seems a lot who are using it wrong. If you have fibro you have to use it a bit differently. And I understand because cbd oil is considered a drug by many people so there is very little info .

I suggest a min 500 mg , 3 to 4 drops 3 times a day , more if needed. Hold under tongue for a min of 2 min , no eating or drinking for 20. You must give it time to mend your body . this isn't like a pain pill its like a super vitamin.  You may not feel anything for a while depending on the damage fibro has done to you.

You must be patient , you will still get symptoms but your symptoms will be almost half of what you were going through. Now a lot of people seem to get the mg of the cbd oil confused with the mg of the dropper which is silly because there is no 500 mg on the dropper and that would be an over dose .When we say how much mg we mean the cbd oil mg , Just so ya know .

Cbd oil Helps

I was losing my hair until I started using cbd oil , now its so long and thick its driving me crazy

email me at pixi mom 75  @gmail

If you could see #fibromyalgia