Sunday, June 3, 2018

Fibro survival kit #fibrmyalgia

                             The Fibro Survival Kit.
                               Intoduction ..

Hi, you can call me Pixi. Ive had the symtoms of Fibromyalgia since I was 5 and have been diagnosed for 2 years. Sadly Fibro is progressive. Now if you are younger you may be able to go into remission, but as of today Fibro has no cure. There are aslo things that can cause you to go into a long time flare. That is where I am right now. I plan to share with you not only my reseach, my experience but the experiences of other woman who have suffered this disesase all their lives and have been there done that with all the tricks and the maybe cures. Now nothing I sahre is medical advice, please seek a doctor first, but my own personal experiences and how I have helped other women with this disease . Now as I belive that a balanced diet can not cure your fibro or even on bad days make all the pain go away ,I do believe that a balanced diet and body can ease your flares and pain because a balanced body is a happy body :). Also because there are so many triggers to fibro, weather, stress, lack of sleep and so many others there is no way to get rid of them all , yet. Now you may not agrre with what I right and thats fine and you may say we all different and thats fine, then dont buy the book.Dont wate my time and yours. But before you huff and puff remember 2 facts, Fibro has been around since before the 1500s , before gmos and fast food and crazy diets and it was a disese of healthy people and not healthy people of all races, religions and class. And #2 You know nothing of Fibro unless youve lived with it more than 20 years.

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